Ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on the internet that often take longer to download than everything else on the page? Install Adblock Plus now and get rid of them.
To install Adblock Plus click here (for OS2008 only)
Once installation is done, reopen the Browser and note the red icon in the bottom right. Click on it, pass though some info-dialogs to reach the config page:
That's the Adblock Plus config page which might be opened whenever afterwards by clicking on the red icon or just after opening the chrome url.
List of filters:
Lots of useful filters:
Filter for RU zone:
From my experience Adblock Plus does indeed speed up browsing on most pages. There is only one execption: if the page is consist of a large number of separate files that all have to be checked by Adblock, and all end up not being blocked, then Adblock makes loading the page slower. Those pages, however, aren't all that common.
Moreover, Adblock performance (startup as well as page load) heavily depends on the filter set that is used.
There is three main preferences (see all on about:config):
1. extensions.adblockplus.enabled - enables adblock
2. extensions.adblockplus.showinstatusbar - make the red icon visible.
3. extensions.adblockplus.patternsfile - path to patterns.ini file which contains all filtering stuff. On the device it's there: /home/user/.mozilla/microb/adblockplus/patterns.ini
Also see:

Please don't recommend Filterset.G for use with Adblock Plus. See the ABP project's official recommendation against it. Try EasyList and EasyElement instead.
I did not make any recommendations, I provided to end user a choice.
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